Essential Accessories For A Holiday By Bicycle

Traveling to new and exciting countries is one of the greatest gifts to ourselves and the ones we love, which is why vacations to countries such as Namibia or Thailand can create memories that live for ever and help us understand different cultures and ways of life. For a truly breath-taking experience, it’s hard to beat exploring these countries by bicycle. It allows you to get closer to nature and feel the wind in your hair, as well as being an economical way to see a new country and a great way to keep fit. If you are planning on bikepacking, you’ll need to buy or hire a high-quality bicycle that is suitable for all kinds of terrain, but here are some accessories which can be just as important.

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A High-Quality Bikepacking Bag

When you’re bikepacking, you’ll want to travel light, as every extra pound can make a big difference when you’re spending hours in the saddle, particularly when you’re cycling uphill. For that reason, it’s essential to have a tough and durable bag that’s lightweight and compact, and yet can still fit more inside it than you might expect. Vincetta, specialists in this area, are a great place to turn to when you need bikepacking saddle bags. They have bags in all sizes and to suit all budgets, but the one thing which unites them all is reliability and build quality.

A Charged Up Mobile Phone

When you’re cycling in a new country, you never know when you’re going to need your cell phone, whether it’s to consult an online map for directions or simply to phone somebody. It’s essential to carry your mobile phone with you at all times, and to ensure that it remains charged throughout the day. For that reason, we recommend carrying a spare mobile phone with you, and an auxiliary battery pack which can be connected to your phone if you run out of power. You may not need them, but you’ll certainly be glad of them if you do.

A List Of Handy Phrases

It’s true that English is widely spoken, to some degree or other, across the globe, but don’t rely on it being understood wherever you go. It makes sense to learn a few useful phrases in the language of the country that you’re going to be cycling through; in Namibia, for example, that might be Oshiwambo. Learn phrases that relate to directions, shopping, food and drink, or asking for help. Even those who are fluent in English will appreciate you learning and using phrases in their own language, and this can help break down barriers and engender friendship. Have these phrases to hand on a piece of paper, so you can refer to them when necessary.

Other items which you should carry, and which should go in your bikepacking bag, include a puncture repair kit, water, and any medication you rely on. With these accessories in place, and a great bike beneath you, you can have a fantastic cycling holiday anywhere in the world. Remember to check current safety advice before you travel, stick to main routes, and have a fantastic time.

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