Where to find modern art in Amsterdam

Where to find modern art in Amsterdam

When you think of Amsterdam, you may think of history. Of quaint little canals with centuries-old houses. Maybe you’ll even think of some of the museums, which have an impressive array of historical objects and artworks. But if you’re a modern art fan, you may not immediately think of Amsterdam as the place to be. Well, you’ll actually be surprised. The Moco Museum in Amsterdam for instance has an impressive collection of modern, contemporary, and street art. But this is not the only place to get your modern art fix in the city. Read on for the best tips on seeing modern art in Amsterdam.

Modern art galleries in Amsterdam

Amsterdam is host to about 60 museums, which is quite an impressive amount. Aside from all these museums, you can also find many galleries in the city. These galleries usually showcase modern art from Amsterdam and other places, by both well-known and up-and-coming artists. You will definitely discover new artists you haven’t heard of before. Galleries are also usually a lot less busy than the big museums, so visiting a couple of galleries showing modern art Amsterdam is a good tip for avoiding the crowds.

Moco Museum: the place for modern art in Amsterdam

If you are looking for modern art in Amsterdam, you must visit Moco Museum. Among its collection are works of Banksy, Jean Michel Basquiat, Keith Haring, Damien Hirst, and Yayoi Kusuma, to name a few. These are all famous artists in the modern art movement that you have to see once in your life. This modern art museum organizes several exhibitions a year and also has an impressive garden. It is an independent museum aimed at a broad audience, which means that its collection will be interesting for everyone. Aside from that, did you know there is also a Moco in Barcelona? Keep that in mind for your next city trip.

Visit several museums in Amsterdam

Moco Museum is located on the Museumplein, right next to the Van Gogh Museum and the Stedelijk Museum. Especially the latter of these two museums has an impressive modern art collection. You can easily combine several museums located on Museumplein on the same day for a complete impression of modern art in Amsterdam. Are you ready for a day filled with modern art? Don’t forget these tips when you travel to Amsterdam.

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